0086-0769-85336468 / 81663850 / 85099901
0086-13480038166 (Mr. Liu)


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Product production process quality control

Product production process quality control

The company implements effective quality control from the raw material entering the factory to the product packaging and shipping and other product quality formation to ensure that the contract requirements, design specifications and process standard···
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Contact us

Address: No. 14 Minqi Road, Shangjiao Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City
Tel: 0086-0769-85336468 / 81663850 / 85099901
Fax: 0086-0769-81663851
Address: 14F-C356, Hua Hin Commercial Centre, 383 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: 00852-37221782    Fax: 00852-37221783
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