0086-0769-85336468 / 81663850 / 85099901
0086-13480038166 (Mr. Liu)


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R&D engineering quality control

According to the company's "new product development process" requirements, the establishment of a rigorous three-stage review, five quality control points, two-level design confirmation, comprehensive design quality review and other quality assurance procedures, effectively ensure the quality of research and development. The new product development process is as follows:

Contact us

Address: No. 14 Minqi Road, Shangjiao Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City
Tel: 0086-0769-85336468 / 81663850 / 85099901
Fax: 0086-0769-81663851
Address: 14F-C356, Hua Hin Commercial Centre, 383 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: 00852-37221782    Fax: 00852-37221783
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